person holding a plastic bag with tobacco
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction for Good

In order to really quit smoking it is necessary to break the chains that smoking creates in your life. If you are addicted to smoking purely due to nicotine addiction you are certainly not alone. This is one of the biggest reasons why smokers continue to smoke. It is also one of the reasons why the tobacco company sits around confidently while the economy struggles and people are cutting back. If you are addicted to their product, you are not going to cut back. In fact, if you are addicted you may find that you are using the product even more. This creates huge profits for the tobacco companies and leaves you with a huge problem as you are struggling to get your addiction under control.

What is really surprising is the fact that people will have sympathy for someone who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and a plethora of other addictions. However, the sympathy tends to stop at the idea of being addicted to cigarettes. This is a stigma that has affected society in a way that people are often laughed at for saying that they are addicted to cigarettes. Yet, the fact remains that people are in fact addicted. Learning how to control the addiction is critical to success, after all those who are addicted to drugs rarely ever just quit cold turkey successfully.

Quit Smoking Effectively!

Addicted To Smoking

You need to realize that you are addicted to smoking and that the reason is typically due to nicotine. The exact manner in which you get the nicotine is not important. What is important is avoiding the harmful effects on your body that smoking has. If you need to slowly cut back your nicotine consumption you are not alone, and to prove it there are dozens of stop-smoking aids on the market. Several even offer small dosages of nicotine to help smokers deal with their nicotine addiction while still working to quit smoking. Looking towards products such as nicotine gum or even patches may be your only help in quitting.

While there are plenty of tricks such as breathing exercises, magnets, and other stop-smoking aids that you can use, many are not designed for people actually addicted to nicotine. What you may not realize is that the bulk majority of smokers have become dependent on nicotine to one extent or another. While some smokers rely much more on nicotine than others, they are still addicted to an extent. It is important to break this dependence in order to actually be successful at quitting smoking. This is not an easy process, and it must be done carefully.

If you are not careful in the process of breaking your nicotine addiction, you could actually make things worse. For example, nicotine gum and patches come in different dosage levels. These levels coincide with the amount that you smoke. The intended purpose is to start at the level that you typically smoke at and slowly decrease the amount of nicotine that you consume each day. Slowly over time, your addiction would be gone, however, to crush this instantly you would just need to use a stronger gum or patch than you need for your smoking habit. A one-pack-a-day smoker could create far more problems for themselves if they used the gum or patch intended for those who smoke two packs a day for example.

Being sure that you are using the proper dosages is critical. Ensuring that you are taking your time and carefully dealing with your nicotine addiction is very important as well. If you have the support of your friends, family, and co-workers, you will have a much greater success rate. Just as those recovering drug addicts take things a single day at a time, you need to do the same for your nicotine addiction. Simply rushing out and attempting to quit could create a huge self-esteem problem and you fail to control your addiction to nicotine. Going slow and accepting your problem will set you up for a much higher success rate and improve your overall health much faster.

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