Full body workout

Full body workout

Benefits, Tips, and 10 Effective Exercises As we all know, regular exercise is vital to maintaining good physical and mental health. But with our busy lives, it can be challenging…
5 Heart Healthy Tips

5 Heart Healthy Tips

Simple Changes to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, with 17.9 million deaths reported in 2019 alone. Fortunately, many lifestyle changes can help…
orange petaled flowers on person s back


Wellness You pick up the magazines each day, and you’re bombarded with health and fitness information. Advertisements and articles are designed to impart much-needed information to the reader about the state…
yoga instructor helping a student

Wellness Needs

What Are Your Wellness Needs? As we go about our busy lives, our wellness needs don’t often come to mind.  Probably until you read the title of this article, it…
wake up and workout slogan on light box among sports equipment

Wellness of the Body

Wellness refers to the condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits.  Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our…
women meditating in the park with yoga mats

Wellness of the Mind

Wellness of the Mind Our spiritual input is a determining factor when establishing our wellness level.  We all need the benefit of spiritual reflection, as a way of cleansing ourselves…
woman in red shirt sitting on couch meditating

Wellness Terminology

Wellness Terminology There are many words today associated with wellness.  Many of those terms are new to readers, and some of the terms are interchangeable between fitness, wellness, and health. …
healthy man people woman

What is Metabolism

Metabolism: What Is It? The dictionary defines metabolism as the sum of all biochemical processes involved in a life or the sustaining of life.  An application concerning our health and…