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Biological Genes Related to Sociopath and Psychopathic

 Biological Genes Related to Sociopath and Psychopathic: A Guide for Students in Mental Health 

Title: Hereditary Plays a Major Role:

Main Ideas: Earlier Detection is important. Counselors are advised to heed the warning of the signs and take action earlier versus waiting for the long term. “A child is brought into an office by his or her parent. The mother says my son takes interest in starting fires. He has shown signs of hurting animals and violence. The child has a bed-wetting problem and there is nothing I can do?  Help?

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 These are signs that need to be taken seriously. There is no logical explanation on the market that will explain the three symptoms related to psychopath and sociopath tendencies, traits, or diagnoses. What follows is the child’s lack of emotional stamina. Counselors are advised to disregard diagnoses of a child until after the child turns a certain age. I feel that this illogical thinking needs to be evaluated further and investigated since diagnoses are what help us to understand mental health. If a child suffers from psychopathic or sociopath traits, tendencies, et cetera, it is advised that the child needs to be treated accordingly in the earlier stages. The diagnosis should not be the most important issue, rather the symptoms should awaken the counselor. In addition, I will point out in this article, how heredity is a key point in the diagnoses, as well as, awakening doctors to take further notice of links that may contribute to the diagnosis.

The issues that need to be addressed are that most serial killers are fatherless, and/or adopted. If we take notice of these two issues and work effectively in keeping families together, this may become a link in preventing further complex diagnoses. Although this idea is not stating in any way that the two ideas are the base, it will shed new light on the problem. In addition, I feel that it is important that if a child is suspected of future dangers to society that the police and society should be warned in the premature stages of diagnosing. I have a child who suffers from psychopathic tendencies, I did this for him, and it worked. Seventeen years with this child have provided overwhelming insight. The article will also bring out intervention techniques that will guide both parents and associates to avoid harm.

Psychopaths and sociopaths view people as objects. I feel this is important to learn techniques that will prevent harm to persons around psychopaths or sociopaths. Becoming his or her object may save a life until help is available or time is available to inform the law or proper persons pertaining to his or her behavior. Current studies are looking more into the biological perspective regarding sociopaths and psychopathic heritage. I feel that it is important that earlier detection will lighten the load if the patient is sent to medical doctors for extensive examinations of his or her condition. Other issues will be brought out on the subject as well. I feel that warning the public in the detection of suspicious behaviors will weaken a potential killer’s chance at crime. Psychopaths and sociopaths are manipulative and this is an important key point to address in therapy and warning others. I feel it is important the proper sources take complete action in investigating potential candidates and hereditary links to investigate possible genes that may connect the patient’s status.

Bonnie Method: I will suggest that the Bonnie Method is used in the treatment of psychopathic intervention. This method will allow the clinician to use imagery and music to explore the mind.

This will take 2-3 months for a basic understanding.

Creative ways of teaching the audience: Basic creativity in teaching is always best. Many times students fail to understand languages due to sophisticated words. While many people see this in many forms, it is important that we take notice of this and teach the students in a form that will accommodate all. People learn best when they can understand what they are reading. No one can determine who in the class may be diagnosed, or not diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD, ADD, or what have you that may hinder the patient’s ability to understand.

The assistance of Clinical Inspiration: Inspiration comes for patients when counselors advise, direct, guide, and take interest in the patient. It is important that clinicians look for warning signs and do not ignore them. Clinicians’ jobs are to warn, educate, listen, and analyze the diagnosis.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
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