green cactus plant on brown clay pot
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Cactus Diet Hoodia Pill

Hoodia Diet: The Cactus Miracle Pill?

Weight gain is now a more serious problem as obesity becomes more and more widespread. It has affected individuals of all ages from children to adults. Due to this, more and more people are becoming desperate. Weight gain is not a social stigma anymore but a health problem. Due to this diet pills continue to make their way to desperate ears. Hoodia diet which is believed to come from a cactus plant claims to be the miracle pill that holds the answer to the pursuit of weight loss.

The Hoodia diet pill has been featured in a number of television shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, and BBC. Since its introduction in 2004, it has become the most popular diet pill to hit the American market. But what is this cactus plant? Is it the miracle pill we dieters have all been looking for? Not exactly a cactus plant contrary to popular belief hoodia diet does not come from a cactus plant. Its main source is Hoodia Gordonii, a succulent spiny plant that resembles the cactus but is unrelated to the species. It is used by the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert to suppress hunger and thirst during long trips for hunting.

Plant-Based Cookbook for Beginners

Pills Manufacturing

In America, it is greatly associated with weight loss. The plant is manufactured into pills. The pills work by tricking the brain that it has eaten enough. It releases chemical components which act on the satiety center of the brain found in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then sends a signal to the brain that it has consumed enough. The dieter will feel full even though he or she has taken little or no food at all. The main source of the diet is a plant which makes it 100% natural and safe. Its active ingredient p57 is patented which means that it was studied and tested before being used.

It does not contain other ingredients such as ephedra, ephedrine, caffeine, and other stimulants. This makes it free from undesirable side effects usually experienced with diet supplements containing these ingredients. The downside is the diet can be expensive. Finding genuine products can also prove to be a task. Since its popularity, several brands catering to the diet pill have surfaced. Unfortunately, not all of these products have 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii. The plant is not that abundant in the Kalahari desert. Dieters should make their own research first and make sure that the manufacturers they are buying the diet pills from are verified. Brands that have been verified are Dessert burn, Hoodoba (from Strictly Health Corporation), and Hoodia (from Millenium Health).

If the dieter takes the genuine diet pill appropriately it can prove to be effective. It’s a more convenient way of dieting as compared to preparing portion-sized meals. It’s also a more comfortable way of reducing calorie intake. Dieters don’t have to follow a strict regimen that most often leads to a food binge. It can help control late-night cravings any time of the day, not just midnight snacks. Diets work in different ways on people.

An individual’s body is different from the rest. Dieters shout to find the weight loss program that suits them best not just because it’s the latest trend. This new diet offers a new alternative to losing weight. It’s a supplement to control one’s appetite and cravings. It’s not used to starve yourself to death just to fit in your jeans.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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