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Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style

Choosing The Best Martial Arts Style

For anyone who wants to learn martial art, there is a lot to know in regard to the many different styles. Of course, there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a question a lot of people ask With so many martial arts styles to choose from, it can be very complicated to pick one to learn.

No matter what you may hear or what others have to say, it is quite impossible to name one style of martial arts as the ultimate best. Actually, there are several factors that come into play, which makes a statement about a style being the best impossible. Even though one style may beat another in a competition or a fight, doesn’t always mean that the winning style is the best.

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Before deciding to rush out there and learn a martial art, there are several things that you should decide first. Martial arts are great to learn, no matter which style you decide on. A martial art can teach you self-discipline, self-defense, and several other traits that will help you no matter where you decide to go in life.

Self Defense

All over the world, there are several martial arts schools and dojos that emphasize self-defense a lot more than others. Schools that focus on kata, forms, or light sparring are less than likely to teach you what you need to protect yourself on the street. If you are looking for street self-defense, then you’ll want a style that trains hard and doesn’t let up.


Even though martial arts can improve your fitness level, it isn’t the goal behind a lot of martial arts styles. Several styles, such as Tae Bo, are based purely on martial arts and don’t include a lot of physical fitness training. If you are looking for fitness as your main goal, then you should be looking into something other than martial arts.

Fighting ability

This will vary among the many different martial arts styles. Self-defense schools will most often take advantage of fighting skills, teaching you everything you need to survive. Most martial arts styles are slow in theory, teaching you kata, movements, and forms. Self-defense schools, on the other hand, teach you how to inflict the most amounts of damage in the least amount of time.


Competition-based martial arts are all about winning trophies and showing the world your style of martial arts. The competition that you have chosen, will greatly impact your style of martial arts. You’ll need to decide if you will be fighting or showcasing display kata, light or heavy contact, or focusing on grappling or striking.

Before you decide on a martial arts style, you should always research the schools and dojos in your area and see what they offer you. The best schools will allow you to participate in a few free classes or offer you discounts on your first few months. They will answer any questions that you have, and work with you to help you learn as much as you can.

Martial arts can be a very fun and exciting learning experience. There are hundreds of different martial arts styles out there, although you may be limited in choice, depending on what is offered in your area. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and Jiu-Jitsu and some of the most common types of martial arts, and are normally offered just about everywhere. The more distinct styles, such as Kung Fu, Shootfighting, Kenpo, and Shaolin styles are a bit hard to harder to find.

If you do your homework on some of the styles that are offered in your area, you’ll find one that best fits your reasons to study. Martial arts can change your outlook on life – all you have to do is devote yourself to learning all you can about the philosophy of your martial art.

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