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Clutter and Feng Shui

Clutter and Feng Shui

Part of having good feng shui is clutter management. If anything, clutter is the biggest hindrance you can have for the best flow of chi, prosperity, and goodness in your life. However, few people can manage their clutter wisely. Daily, we get tons and tons of stuff we won’t be using for a long time. Here are some tips for you to help reduce clutter and invite good Feng Shui.

Seven Chakra Tree of Life, Crystal Tree for
Positive Energy – Feng Shui Tree

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 1: Sort your mail as it comes in

Incoming mail is one of the top sources of clutter. All those bills are not just stressful if mismanaged and stashed somewhere in your home, but it also contributes to clutter in your home. If you are serious about getting good Feng Shui, make sure that you can screen your mail. Establish a system for sorting all your mail. And this also holds for other papers you may be keeping in your home. If you neatly categorize them and throw away the ones you no longer need, you will be much better off.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 2: Opt for daily cleanings than reliance on major general cleanings

A general cleaning schedule is good, but if you are still not in the habit of cleaning regularly, you may still find yourself filled with a clutter problem. So the best thing to do when you are trying to apply good Feng Shui is by exercising your cleaning powers daily, not just on a schedule. It does not have to be too rigorous if done daily. You can just start with the cleaning per day one area at a time to accomplish it effectively.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 3: Clean as you work

While working on a project, clean as you go. This means that you will not just leave stuff lying around on the table as you do your work. This ensures that the workspace remains clean, and this also implies that you are open to more productive work in the future since the space is wiped free of any traces from previously done work.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 4: Be generous about your stuff

Give away the stuff you don’t need. This is a rule of thumb when it comes to cleaning up and freeing from clutter. Being generous involves giving away stuff you don’t get to use. What you won’t use for a long time and collect dust may actually be an answer to somebody else’s problems. Just make sure that you are not transferring clutter but something that can be of use to the person you are giving it to.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 5: Dust frequently

Dusting frequently helps keep your place clean. Dust, when accumulated also forms the clutter which we are trying to avoid in Feng Shui.

Anti-Clutter Feng Shui Tip 6: Evaluate your stuff brutally

If at all possible, have a peer to help you evaluate your stuff at home. What you may hold dear and refuse to part with is not just a sign of bad Feng Shui but may also be a sign of a hoarding problem. Aside from addressing your Feng Shui issues, the mindset on clutter ma also has to be dealt with accordingly.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read.
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