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Depression in Learning Disabilities

Depression in Learning Disabilities

Depression and learning disabilities are often misunderstood. Learning disabilities and depression are common mental illnesses that affected millions every day. Studies have shown that children suffering from learning disabilities have complexity in learning to speak fluently, and take care of their health and bodies, and often suffer from the inability to cope with stress and the common pressures of everyday living. Many of the patients that suffer from depression and learning disabilities are claimed to be borderline retards.

Depression is related to emotional scaring, childhood traumas, chemical imbalances, insufficient nutrition, and other factors, so therefore it makes sense that it is believed a form of retard ness. Learning disabilities are often stemmed from a lack of education, positive influences, and miscommunications. Often people that suffer from depression and learning disabilities are overwhelmed, and this too creates a problem for the patients. If you notice anyone around you that is suffering from symptoms of depression and learning disabilities, such as lack of enthusiasm while playing, unhappiness, feelings of despair, suicidal tendencies, and negative thinking then you should immediately contact a professional to avoid risks. Depression is a serious mental health disorder and it should not be taken lightly.

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Common Problems

Often people that suffer from depression or learning disabilities use alcohol and/or drugs as a source of relief. This only creates a bigger problem, and help is needed immediately. Depression also causes fatigue, lack of interest, and behaviors that could lead to criminal prosecution. Many people that suffer from depression are affected by common problems, such as debts, deaths in the family, and so on. They often have the inability to cope with stressors, and often need support as a result. Doctors often treat such patients with medications, including Prozac, however, recent studies have proven that the many medications used for treating depression and learning abilities have side effects that complicate the diagnosis. It is recently been discovered that depression may be linked to the propensity for perception after the fact, for immersion in the mind’s eye, a normal accompanying friend to the restraint, if not antisocial, depressive irritation.

I beg to differ with this philosophy, since most encounters I’ve come across with patients that suffer from depression and learning abilities, often strive for attention. This is a complete contradiction of antisocial since antisocial is a diagnosis where the patient refuses to associate with society. Commonly depressive maniacs, or handicaps that include depression and learning abilities often strive to find the answers to their suffering, yet neglect to see the answers when it is in front of them. The mind is a tricky thing, and when someone tells someone that his or her emotions are not real, it is only denying the true problem. It is important to recognize the problem, without promoting a label on the patient. Regardless of the many philosophies available to us, one is that when a person is labeled they are often seen as a label by counselors and other individuals. The key to eliminating any problem is learning to accept your disability.

Once you accept and recognize the problem, in my experience it has proven successful in treating the diagnosis. The problem then is not necessarily on the diagnosis itself, rather it is on the many professionals, patients, and others that refuse to accept that the problem exists. Instead of examining the mind, it is also important to examine the diagnosis closely and pay thorough attention to the symptoms. Once you start dealing with each individual symptom separately, you can then work through the other problems gradually. The problem many times is professionals want to turn to medication versus treating the patients with effective therapy. Let’s look at medicine that is given to patients with schizophrenia, antipsychotics, and other related diagnoses. Ziprasidone, for example, has possible risks including Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, affect on glucose or sugar level, affects blood pressure levels, and promoting involuntary movement disorder.

Now anyone that knows depression and learning disabilities should be wise to avoid risking or promoting such complications. The listed risks are often direct links to the central nervous system, and most people with depression and learning disabilities need to avoid any areas, including medicines that affect the nervous system.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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