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From Hallucinations to Delusions

From Hallucinations to Delusions

Mental health is tricky since there are many types of diagnosis, including personality disorders, cognitive disorders, mental diseases, and so forth. Understanding mental health is nearly impossible, but there are many answers to questions that many have since all of us directly or indirectly are affected by mental illnesses. Some disorders, diseases, or cognitive impairments may cause a person to hallucinate or become delusional. Another diagnosis may include less severe symptoms. Anxiety disorders for example cause the patients to worry obsessively, sleep disorders, inability to focus, tension attacks, distress, headaches, and so forth. The most severe symptoms of this disorder include obsessive-compulsive behaviors, anorexia, phobias of socializing, hypochondrias, and so forth.

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Patients that suffer from anxiety disorders may result to alcohol, which creates another problem to find relief. Anxiety disorders are often linked to other types of disorders including, adjustment disorders, depersonalization disorders, and so forth. Some researchers believe that anxiety disorder is the direct link to hereditary, while other philosophers will dispute this notion. As a rule, anxiety is brought on by a series of failures, losses, and so on, if this patient is incapable of handling common stressors it can affect the nervous system and cause frequent anxiety attacks. Once the person is affected with anxiety, other symptoms often follow simply because the person is somewhat disconnected from realism.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is similar in that it shares common symptoms with an anxiety disorder. Patients with panic disorders often suffer intense panic attacks, sometimes agoraphobia, depression, and other related problems. The most severe symptoms of this disorder are feelings or tendencies of suicide, obsessive and compulsive behaviors, substance abuse, heart, and other related issues. Anyone that suffers from panic/anxiety disorders is subject to physical disabilities. Social Phobias are also common amongst many men in the world but have also affected children and women. These types often fear embarrassment and will often avoid pubic encounters since their fears bring forth anxiety attacks. Social Phobias prevent success for most patients since they have difficulty working in society or complications with shopping, and so on.

Each of the disorders listed in this article affects the patients both mentally and physically and in some cases, patients have died from heart attacks since their level of coping was over surpassing. Often people that worry excessively subject the heart to danger.  It is vital to manage these types of illnesses to prevent further complications. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as a survivor I can tell you from first-hand experience that this disorder is complicated and extremely stressful. Posttraumatic stress is a result of trauma, rape, combat, terrorist attacks, and other types of disasters. In this case, the patient often relives the trauma through repeated flashbacks. The disorder before experts began evaluating it was known as ‘war shock.’ The patient often suffers from reoccurring nightmares, and night sweats, and often avoids noises, such as popping sounds since it often sounds like cannons going off. Most posttraumatic patients detach themself from society since many in the world regularly show concern about the disorders, which will often trigger the patient. Often their thoughts, emotions, feelings, and sensations, are all desensitized, and often the patients suffer a lapse of concentration.

They often suffer from sleeping difficulties and are extremely vigilant of their surroundings. Some patients with posttraumatic stress demonstrate serious outbursts when triggered, therefore it is important that you treat such patients as a dedicated flower, handling them with care. They often suffer episodes of depression, acute stress, panic, disassociation, and other types of symptoms. Each person is different, but some patients with posttraumatic stress may even illustrate suicidal behaviors or even explosive behaviors. Since posttraumatic symptoms are related to many other types of disorders, it is important to evaluate individual care.

Posttraumatic patients often have difficulty interpreting others when they are speaking also. Many of the patients that suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder often result to alcohol to relieve their misery. This only intensifies the diagnosis, and the patient is stepping backward in recovery. Posttraumatic stress disorders have various levels, with some cases more severe than others. Persons of all ages, genders, nationalities, classes, and so on are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder since it is often developed from traumatic experiences, whether the person witnesses a violent crime, is assaulted, or what have you.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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