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How Meditation Helps Insomnia

How Meditation Helps Insomnia

Insomnia simply is a chronic inability to sleep. I have had many restless nice with only a few hours of sleep. Many nights I would only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I had tried everything to help me sleep.I tried things like Tylenol pm. mild nerve pills and even was tested for sleep apnea and had a breathing machine to use at night for the sleep apnea. That machine made me feel as if I could not get any oxygen. Insomnia can make you crazy after a while.

I was having a very difficult time breathing with it. I had to quit using the machine because it was so uncomfortable. I was getting very irritable from not sleeping so a friend told me how using meditation helped her. I went on the computer and found out many ways meditation helps people with many different problems. The first thing I learned is that having insomnia can also be a mind thing.

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You can actually train your mind to go without sleep. I know that I think about the struggles I go through every day and keep that on my mind so I cannot sleep well. Through meditation, I have learned to calm down, and relax and know that getting so upset over things I cannot change will just make things worse. Now when I come home after an exhausting day I don’t let things bother me so much. I actually first started my meditation in the morning before I left and again when I get home.

Morning Routine

In the morning I get up about 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the family so I can have time to myself. I go into the kitchen get a book I like or a newspaper, fix myself some coffee, and just meditate before I have to start my hectic day. When I come home at night I know that with my insomnia I will have another restless night so I start preparing for my night after I get supper cooked the dishes done and the kids to bed.

For my meditation, at night I will first relax by listening to soothing music. I will turn on a music channel on my television and just kick back and relax. I then get in a hot tub and sit there and let the hot water soothe me. After I get out of the tub I do not wait to go to bed. Since my body is now very relaxed I go straight to bed. I have learned by staying awake and watching TV after I am so relaxed will only make it harder for me to sleep.

Since I used my meditation while listening to comforting music and relieving my tension with a hot bath why get upset by watching television? I turn my fan on low get under the covers take some deep relaxing breaths and go to sleep. I’m not saying that I am cured and get 8 hours of sleep every night but I can say that using meditation to relax has helped me at least get a couple of extra hours of sleep than I used to.

My husband also turns on the little clock radio to a country channel and leaves it on low all night to help him get some sleep. You have got to remember meditation is simply clearing your mind of thoughts that upset you. Once you have cleared your mind over whatever is bothering you it will be to your benefit.

Relaxing is the key to having a better day and night. So find a way of meditation that will help you relax and just enjoy your night. You are worth it and most of all after all you do for everyone you deserve to have a few moments of relaxing meditation.

Meditate with Eye Masks


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
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