Mentally Deranged

Mentally Deranged

What is mentally deranged? Mentally deranged patients are often filled with hate and animosity and will often demonstrate a series of disturbing behaviors. If you want to know the fine lines between sane and insane when you meet deranged you will no the latter. Generally, deranged individuals are trapped in their own state of mind, believing unethically that the world is gone mad. There is a fine line between sanity and insanity, and this is often discussed in the courts and in mental health. A Psychopathic mind is said to be sane, however, the individual often is deranged, meaning disturbances often incur that create chaos for everyone else. According to some definitions, insanity is caused by syphilitic alteration of the mind, which in turn causes dementia and paralysis known as general paralysis of the insane.

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The term general paresis defines insanity. According to the term’s definition syphilitic, this venereal disease spreads throughout the body and affects the brain killing cells in the body and causing major physical interruptions. According to the law, insanity is when a person does not know the difference between right and wrong and cannot remember why he or she is in court. The latter is under investigation, however, if a person is deprived of the ability to determine right and wrong, then he or she is said to be insane. Insanity in psychology is deeper than both versions as defined and simply much more difficult to comprehend. Now we can peek inside the minds of the many diagnoses to learn about deranged minds and insanity. For example, let us peer into the mind of a sexually sadistic patient, which is not evident the patient is insane. We know that this person has a sexual disorder, which includes visionary/hallucinations/illusionary/delusional fantasies.

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We know that this person is not in reality. We know that this person has compulsive-obsessive behaviors, simply because pornographic materials are triggers to these types of disorders and the patient probably has a house filled with such inappropriate mush. The patient enjoys and will indulge in rituals that include mortification, (destroying a person’s coping mechanisms, including self-esteem, confidence, et cetera). The patient also enjoys burning the flesh, whipping, torturing, battering, mutilation, and sometimes annihilation. This destructive, deranged mind will act out or think obsessively about these related pains and sufferings during sexual release. Meaning that the patient is sexually gratified at the intensity of the acts of hate and violence noted in this article. Therefore, this patient is deranged in state of mind and therefore we must reevaluate the fine lines between insanity and sane. Sexual sadism is often found in individuals with sexual disorders, including diagnoses of psychopathic personality disorders. There are several types of sexual deviations, including pedophilia, frotteurism, exhibitionism, and so forth. Each diagnosis has a degree of derangement, one more so than the other.

Since we know that derange is hate, we must evaluate many minds before we can determine the sane from the insane. Cults are often geared and will commit crimes of hate therefore, these people are often deranged. Insanity? Maybe…but who is willing to step across those lines, since an insane individual can commit a crime and often be institutionalized or released. Psychotics or psychosis is another form of derangement in the sense the patient breaks off from reality temporarily and hears voices outside the head telling him to kill. The voices are different in the sense they may not always tell the patient to kill. This type of personality is dangerous simply because you never know when an occurrence will take place or eruption and you never know what the voices are saying. Therefore, if the voices are telling the patient to kill and the patient has no sense of reality…

All mentally ill patients are not mentally deranged; however, there are exceptions to the rule. After studying human behavior ongoing throughout my lifetime and studying psychology, biology, chemistry, science, and other areas, I have concluded my own definition of insanity and sane. Scientist is constantly beating down definitions, making it difficult to relate to mental health. Therefore, it is time someone brings to light what mental illness really means and who is sane and insane.

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