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Methods Of Meditation To Relax You

Methods Of Meditation To Relax You

We all know there are many different methods of meditation to help relieve stress and to relieve tension and relax you. The first thing you want to do is remember that there are ways to meditate that will fit your lifestyle. You may have a friend that has used meditation to help them relax and would want to give you advice on how they meditate. You must realize that the person you are talking to has a whole different lifestyle than you do.

Your friend can suggest ways that help him or her but will it help you? If you are an active person exercise can be a very good and healthy way to meditate. Walking can be very relaxing and it can give you time to gather your thoughts while getting healthy at the same time. If you are not the kind of person that is not used to a lot of exercises and you feel walking would help you meditate make sure you start out slowly. Do not try and walk 2 or 3 miles starting out. You want to meditate but you want to relax while doing it. If you are not used to exercising you do not want to wear yourself out. Walk slowly and take time to gather your thoughts.

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One of the most relaxing ways I find to meditate is by prayer. I will be the first to admit I do not know a lot about the bible and probably do not actually pray in the way that most people do who know a lot about the bible. My point is I want to relax and have time to myself by meditating and I take my comfort in the lord. I guess you can say I talk to the lord more than I pray. I actually feel that me talking from my heart is the same as saying a prayer from my heart.


I remember my mother would take the prayer list from church and no matter how many people’s names were on the list she took the time to sit and meditate and say a prayer of healing and comfort for each and everyone on the prayer list. My husband finds he can meditate and relax by listening to music. He actually has hundreds even thousands of different types of music he listens to. His nerves are not really good so his comfort is in his music and he plays the radio day in and day out. He mostly listens to classic country and the oldies station.

The music helps him concentrate and keep his thoughts together. Another way I find of meditating is through animals. You can talk to your pet without worrying about him talking back to you like a child would. You can curl up on the couch turn the television on low and just communicate with your pet. You may think how do you communicate with an animal? Animals are very smart. They understand what you are trying to do.

If you have had a bad day they can comfort you by just being there for you. If you have a dog or a cat let them sit or lay next to you and pet them and you will be so relaxed you will forget about the stress your day has brought. So whether you are meditating by a method of exercise or a method of communicating with your animals or by prayer take the time to just relax your mind and your body and you will be physically and emotionally stress-free.

Remember meditation is basically taking the time to collect your thoughts and when you take the time to get your thoughts together your mind will then be able to concentrate on the things that are important in your life.

Meditate with Eye Masks


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