thoughtful black man in activewear meditating in autumn park
Photo by Barbara Olsen on

Mind Tricks

Is Your Mind Playing Tricks?

Over the course of our life, our senses and our environment come together to enrich our minds and sometimes overwhelm our minds.  Much of the knowledge we acquire comes to us through our senses.  As children, we use our senses daily to absorb as much as possible.  The mind is a voraciously hungry, empty den when we are young.

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As we age, we depend greatly upon our senses to inform us about the world around us; hot, cold, sweet, sour, bitter, loud, and soft, so many of our perceptions and actions begin with input from our five senses.  There is another sense that isn’t given much attention, thanks to the fact that it is centered within our body, not on the outside.  But, if used properly, provides us with as much valuable information as the sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing.

Sixth Sense

Our intuition is our sixth sense. It refers to the ability to tune into the unseen world of sense. All the other senses require a physical origin of input; our intuition does not.  It requires no physical presence of an object in order for us to obtain information about the object.  Thanks to the fact that we live in a materialistic world and that most of our knowledge is dominated by Western traditions and beliefs, our ability to use our intuition is a lost art.

Eastern cultures have long used the sense of intuition and the flow of the body’s natural energies to utilize the intuitive information available.  Western civilizations are slow to realize the role our intuition can play in our overall health, just because it is not a “seen” source of input.

Often, our mind can seemingly play tricks on our sensory perceptions, when we fail to utilize all aspects of the six senses, we often miss some piece of the puzzle, and what seems to be complete and correct, is often lacking. 

There are at times physical conditions that cause our senses to operate incorrectly, and we don’t process the information correctly.  This happens when we are functioning at less than optimum levels.  Often this occurs during times of sickness, extreme fatigue, or a lack of sleep.  It is at this point, that we believe our minds play tricks on us.  We believe we are receiving certain input, and in all actuality, we are not.

This is why keeping our bodies well, fit, and healthy keeps us in a reception mode to accurately process input from the outside world.  It is through this accurate perception of intake that we are able to deal effectively with the world around us.  All this culminates to come to this statement: in order to keep ourselves healthy and well, we must be able to accurately process input from the world around us.  It is when we lose perspective and don’t accurately “see” things as they really are that we are more likely to experience feelings of ill health, and mental unrest, and this can lead to actually becoming ill.

Our overall wellness depends upon our ability to not only cope with ourselves but to perceive reality as it really is.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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