a close up shot of people holding hands

Mindfulness and Compassion

Mindfulness and Compassion In this article, I want to talk about Mindfulness and Compassion, which I believe are two essential components of Reiki practice. Whether we are treating others, working…
man love people woman

Introduction to Reiki

Introduction to Reiki Although most people have heard about Reiki, there is a lot of confusion as to what Reiki actually is, as well as some skepticism. In its essence,…
light man people woman

Intelligent Energy?

Intelligent Energy? It is well established within Reiki that the energy we channel is 'intelligent'. Some people believe that the energy is innately intelligent, perhaps because of its divine origins,…
fashion people woman relaxation

Hands on and Distant Reiki Healing

Hands-on and Distant Reiki Healing Reiki is the healing technique through which one person, called a Reiki practitioner channels vital energy through another person's body, usually called the patient or…
blue and yellow thread on white textile

Feng Shui your Reiki

Feng Shui your Reiki Many of you will be familiar with Feng Shui, the Oriental art of placement, where you arrange your living environment to allow a smooth flow of…
crop masseuse with hands near ears of woman

Distant Attunements

Distant Attunements When I first became involved with Reiki, and I heard that some people carried out distant attunements, or studied Reiki without meeting their teacher in person, I thought…