white and blue printer paper

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki Usui Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: "rei," which means…
exhausted drunk guys sleeping together on sofa after hangout


Do You Have an Alcohol Addiction? Are you having a problem with your drinking?Do your friends and family frequently complain that you drink too much?Have you experienced blackouts, not remembering…
carrot fruit beside lemon fruit on black wooden table


Eating in the Zone—A Revolutionary Diet Choice One of the most revolutionary diet ideas to come along is something called the Zone, which was originated by Barry Sears, Ph.D.  The…
five cream puffs beside white mug


Dieting:  It May be All in the Timing You begin your typical day with a croissant and a coffee.  By mid-morning, you’re a bit overwhelmed with work and so you…