silhouette of woman standing against sunset

Zen and the World Around You

Zen and the World Around You If you are looking for something exciting and new to try you may want to think about Zen. Working hard to change the way…
close up photography of purple water lily in bloom

Zen and Self Development

Zen and Self Development When you are interested in something you want to tell the world about it too. If you are someone that does Zen and has introduced it…
green leaves

Zen and Depression

Zen and Depression Out of some of the things that Zen can help you with, you'll find that depression is just one of the things that Zen can help the…
close up photography of green moss on rock

Zen and Breathing Slowly

Zen and Breathing Slowly Whether you are using Zen to help you calm yourself, find yourself, or because it was recommended to you by a medical doctor or shrink you'll…
gold kettle pouring hot water on cup of tea

Green Tea and Caffeine

Green Tea and Caffeine It is very important to give proper attention to one's health, especially in today's times. There are individuals who encounter problems with caffeine and as you…
photo of matcha drink on a wooden tray

Green Tea – Why Drink It

Green Tea - Why Drink It? In Asia, green tea is quite popular. For many generations, tea has already been a part of family gatherings and even their day-to-day lives.…