unrecognizable depressed black man under water flow in shower
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Types of Disorders Passive-Aggressive Disorders and Mental Health

Passive-Aggressive Personality types will often sabotage all areas of their life in the sense that they often complain about any demands put on them. They may not voice the complaint or may do what is asked of them, but in their mind, that is cussing the source that what they believe made them do the work. Passive-Aggressive Personality types are just as it sounds. They often are passive outward and aggressive inwards. The Passive-Aggressive types often anger others around them, yet the other person may feel wrong since they are not clear on the foundation that caused the anger. These types of people are deceiving since they are often obscure with their tactics in persecuting others. They will often blame everyone around them rather than own up to their part in conflicts.

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For example, Mary confronted Bob expressing to him that his behaviors were unconstitutional and were causing problems. Bob looks at Mary with an astonished glare and says you are the problem, Mary. I did what I was supposed to do, and I did nothing wrong while doing it. I have no idea what you are talking about. Passive-Aggressive Personality disorders are controversial and are only one type of disorder that the experts dispute yet to use every day. Another type of personality disorder that is questionable is Self-Defeating Personality Disorder. This type will often associate with persons that will cause harm to or persecute the individuality of the self-defeated person. This type will also excuse another individual to offer help to him or her, even if help is needed. This type may also anger others around them and display hurt when confronted by the other individual. The two personality types rarely hold a permanent relationship and will often make excuses when their symptoms are addressed. 

Sadistic Personality Disorder

Sadistic Personality Disorder was recently removed from the DSM manual simply because the experts did not have a foundation for the diagnosis. The symptoms include controlling behaviors. They are often violent and will harm others to uphold their control over another individual. This type is similar to psychopathic and antisocial personality types in the sense they rejoice when they hurt others, including animals. They often delight or entertain themselves with sources including weapons, torture, and other dangerous items. This type will often resort to abusing alcohol and drugs, as well as humans. They often are in relationships with victims of abuse and will search out anyone that they feel is easy to control. Even if the person is submissive, they will find a reason to torture or hurt the person because this is what gives them pleasure. Persons that suffer from Sadistic Personality Disorders are often survivors of abuse and are extremely angry at the world around them. No one is good enough and everyone is an enemy out to hurt them in their minds. They often are in denial, even if they cause harm to others, they will blame the victim. If you are around this type, it is important to get out of there quickly, since this type is prone to murder. Similar to psychopathics these types cannot maintain a steady relationship and will most always hurt the person involved in their lives.

Antisocial Personality Disorders are also up in the air. Although the traits of this type can be seen in Psychopathy, it is rated differently simply because a few symptoms are lacking. Children if diagnosed with this disorder are listed under Conduct Control Disorders, and after the age of eighteen, they are then viewed as having Antisocial Personality. This type is also dangerous and will harm animals and people. They often take great pleasure in causing harm to others and the more torture involved the more they like the action. This type of person is another person that has difficulty in relationships and often centers on persons that have been abused. They enjoy controlling others around them and rarely take responsibility for their behaviors. It is important to contact a professional if you notice anyone with the listed symptoms around you behaving this way. Getting help now can save you from despair in the future, and may even save someone’s life in some cases.   

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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