Psychogenic and Dissociative Amnesia

Psychogenic and Dissociative Amnesia

Mental Health

Now what in the world is this, you might ask? Psychogenic and Dissociative Amnesia are patients with the inability to recall information from their past. Most patients that suffer from psychogenic or Dissociative amnesia have suffered a history of trauma, including rape, disasters, overwhelming circumstances, and so forth. Most patients suffer psychosocial stress. This disorder, it has no surrounding symptoms other than amnesia and the patient often struggles to recall or remember past events, and sometimes-current events. This disorder can be easily detected, and not confused with multiple personality disorders.

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Multiple Personality Disorder has far more complicated symptoms than psychogenic or Dissociative Amnesia. Many patients that suffer from psychogenic or Dissociative Amnesia may suffer from depression since the feeling of memory loss is often overwhelming. Other diagnoses such as psychogenic or dissociate fugue are another form of the amnesiac disorder. Sometimes these patients will vanish for a short time and often forget where they were or why they left.

Most of the patients suffering from this diagnosis have suffered traumatic experiences. Depersonalization Disorders generally involved dissociation; however, the person breaks off from reality running into an unreality state. They may illustrate behaviors including dream state of mind, and distortion from time. They may also suffer depression, dizzy spells, anxiety attacks, and other related symptoms. Some of the most complicated disorders in mental health care are in constant overview, while the listed disorders are often easier to treat than the more complex diagnoses. Like many patients, however, the diagnosis must be treated, since amnesia can cause additional problems. For example, if the person has difficulty remembering then other people may take advantage of them. This subjects them to pain and suffering from external sources.

Multiple Personality Disorder

If the patient wanders away, they are subject to harm by other individuals, so it is important to protect them by getting help. Most patients with these types of disorders are easy to treat and the symptoms are so minimized that any therapist should be able to determine what the disorder is right away. Unlike Multiple Personality Disorder where the patient switches personalities, psychogenic or Dissociative fugue or amnesia has distinct characteristics. The only difficulty that therapists would have with detecting the diagnosis is that these patients are rare. Amnesia disorders are often resulting from epilepsy, head injuries, strokes, medical ailments, and so forth. Alcohol and drug use have also been said to bring forth symptoms of psychogenic or Dissociative symptoms. No two people are the same, so the symptoms may vary in one patient while slightly different in other patients. If these patients have an additional diagnosis, the therapist will probably have difficulty detecting the symptoms of amnesia disorder. With any disorder, cognitive disorder, disease of the mind, and so forth it is difficult, but some diagnoses are far more difficult than others.

Therefore, if you notice anyone that is illustrating symptoms or signs of mental illnesses it is important to not only take immediate notice but also find a professional that can help the patient get well. Professionals that treat standard diagnosis will see upfront in many cases the direction they are headed and may begin treatment immediately, which will help the person cover his or her distress. Fatigue is another diagnosis that is affected people every day. Fatigue is a sleep issue rather than a mentally ill handicap; however, it must be treated before sleep robs them of their life. Most patients suffering from fatigue often experience depression, exhaustion, drained of energy, headaches, joint and muscle aches, and so forth. Scientists have studied for years this particular mental health issue and have come up with nothing as the cause for the interruption. From what I have noticed about fatigue syndrome is that the patients often have underlying diagnoses, may have suffered medical illnesses, or else is severely depressed.

Patients vary, but for the most part, the patient has difficulty coping since fatigue syndrome sucks their vital energy. If you feel that you have fatigue syndrome it is best to consult with your physician to eliminate any physical ailments. You may have some type of illness that a medical doctor can treat right away and your fatigue syndrome just might disappear.

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