Somatoform Mental Disorders

Somatoform Mental Disorders

What are Somatoform Mental Disorders you may ask? Somatoform Disorders are ailments of the mind where the symptoms primarily target the patients’ fear of disease, medical problems, body, and so forth.  Most Somatoform patients share similar traits including physical warning signs without explanation and mental symptoms that insinuate that the physical elements of the disorder are related to the psychological patterns of the mind. Somatoform patients are often difficult to diagnose since there are other related symptoms in both physical and mental areas that need to be explored also. Multiple Sclerosis is one example that is closely related to Somatoform Disorders, yet the symptoms alter in various areas. Most patients before they have been diagnosed or believed to have Somatoform must be subject themselves to a series of Medicinal tests completed before the diagnosis of Somatoform is issued.

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Some symptoms of this type of disorder may include medical problems that may or may not exist, (long-term), a history of not being able to function emotionally, sociably, and so forth. Symptoms may also include inconsistencies and/or unclear complaints of psychical illnesses, as well as physical symptoms that include nausea, diarrhea, joint aches, and so forth. Often the Somatoform patients are attention getters, and often abuse substances, while they manipulate others, and depend on others commonly. Somatoform may or may not have additional disorders including histrionic and/or antisocial disorders. One example of Somatoform Disorder is Hypochondriasis. Often Hypochondriasis suffers from fear that may include health.

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For example, Hypochondriasis may constantly complain about symptoms that may or may not exist, as well as worry about illnesses that may or may not occur. This type of patient may worry about contact with diseases also. (Note: This is why it is difficult to determine the diagnosis of Somatoform without doing an extensive study. OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive disorder patients will also worry about diseases or contracting diseases will repeatedly wash their hands, and often avoid taking out the trash. The obsession comes into play when the patient refuses or illustrates an extreme fear of some action and if forced to do so the patient may become aggressive, or even violent to avoid the task. Compulsive is the same as obsessive almost since the patient will often compel against actions that may cause disease.)

One example of Somatoform can be seen as follow: The patient goes to the doctor and argues regardless of what the doctor says that no disease is existing. The patient may argue that the diseases are underdeveloped or tests have not been conducted to detect the disease. Obviously, the doctor has done every test available and found nothing, but the patient refuses to believe that a disease does not exist. Another type of Somatoform is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), which consists of anxiety and depression, as well as OCD traits, and assumed medical conditions that often do not exist. The patient often will argue that the body is malformed, and will often disregard reassurance. This type you could argue for hours with and never get anywhere. Most of these types of disorders are new discoveries and not a lot of information is available to help us understand the patients and the symptoms of the diagnoses. Scientist for years has found new disorders that are stumping them every day.

The best solution for helping these types of people is to get immediate treatment since most of these people have dangerous traits included in Somatoform. Antisocial, OCD, and Histrionic, and each of these diagnoses may include violent behaviors. Histrionics, Antisocial, and gradually over a course of time OCD will kill if triggered. Therefore, the diagnosis may be limited with information regarding the symptoms, but if Antisocial, OCD, and Histrionic are included, a series of studies and help are needed in treating these patients. Note: Scientists claim ending Antisocial Behaviors before they start can provide a healthy and stable environment for the patient and family. However, Antisocial Disorders (Known as Conduct Disorders before the age of 18) are said to be hereditary, which I believe an over the first theory, and Antisocial Disorders only escalate to deadly circumstances. Regardless of the symptoms whether dangerous or not a person should always get an evaluation to determine the cause.

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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