a woman in underwear standing in front of a colorful projected lights

What Are Rei and Ki

What Are Rei and Ki Reiki is a healing technique that has gained many adepts lately. More and more people believe in the energy that can help them heal their…
woman art relaxation pattern

The Importance of Intent

The Importance of Intent A wise friend of mine once said to me that "where thought goes, energy flows" and I think that this principle applies very well to Reiki.…
light man people woman

The Kaizen of Reiki

The Kaizen of Reiki If you have come across the word 'kaizen' before it will probably have been in the context of industrial quality control or personal development. Kaizen is…
close up shot of gemstones beside a shell

The Precepts

The Precepts In this article, I would like to talk about the Reiki Precepts, and where they come from, and I want to suggest a way of using Reiki to…
light woman relaxation abstract

Treating Yourself with Reiki

Treating Yourself with Reiki Self-healing with Reiki has two main purposes: the first and the most obvious one is that of healing yourself of any condition, releasing your body of…