Veganism and Pregnancy Having a baby is a very exciting time in the lives of most people and trying to stay healthy is something that is at the forefront of…
Veganism and the United States Have you stopped to consider exactly what it is that you specifically can do to help improve the earth? Most people never really stop to…
What Exactly is Vegan? There are so many different phrases and slang terms that are used to describe a healthier lifestyle that often it is virtually impossible to determine exactly…
Important Medical Considerations There are so many different dietary habits that you can pick out. There are also tons of different nutritional considerations that need to be taken into account…
Start Your Plant-Based Journey Embarking on a plant-based journey can feel daunting for beginners, but cooking delicious vegan meals at home doesn’t have to be complex. Whether you're doing it…
Learning to Cook Vegan Successfully In recent years, the plant-based diet has gained popularity for numerous reasons, including health benefits, environmental concerns, and animal welfare. However, many people find the…
Most Famous Vegan Celebrities If you think that Vegan eating is something that only strange-looking people who resemble the hippies from the 1960s do you are quite wrong. There are…
Places to Locate Vegan Foods Trying to change your entire dietary habits might sound a bit frightening but for most people, it is not that scary. What is really scary…
Reasons to Avoid Vegan Cooking If the idea of eating healthy has crossed your mind at some point, you are likely wondering exactly how a Vegan lifestyle would help you. …
Reasons to Embark in Vegan Cooking With so many people around the world looking to embark on a greener lifestyle it is no wonder that the Vegan lifestyle is receiving…