Yoga Poses And What They Achieve

Yoga has been described as a science that seeks to achieve the harmonious and balanced development of the body, mind, and soul. It is a system that allows us to…
a woman meditating with her eyes closed

Yoga For The Non Spiritual

Yoga For The Non-Spiritual For a lot of people, the first image that will pop into their head when they think of Yoga is a little old man in a…
girl in green and red dress standing on green grass field

Yoga As A Life Philosophy

Yoga As A Life Philosophy Yoga is different things to different people, so what it means to you will depend greatly on how you were introduced to it and how…
crop woman in oversized pants

Yoga As A Form Of Weight Loss

Yoga As A Form Of Weight Loss In today's society carrying excess weight is becoming the norm rather than the exception. Lifestyles are increasingly sedentary, people's diet is becoming increasingly…
black and white photo of women in yoga poses

Is Yoga The Perfect Exercise

Is Yoga The Perfect Exercise? Is Yoga the perfect form of exercise and relaxation? Let's make a list of what our ideal type of exercise would do. Firstly it would…
a woman doing yoga in a room

How To Get The Most From Yoga

How To Get The Most From Yoga Yoga is an ancient art that has been refined and modified by many great teachers across the ages. It now comes in so…