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Tai Chi Rejuvenates Immunity in Older Adults Against Shingles

According to research, Tai Chi, a Chinese exercise that uses both mind and body, can aid in preventing the shingles virus by increasing the body’s immunity against the VZV or varicella-zoster virus. Aside from preventing it, Tai Chi can also boost the body’s response to the vaccine for old adults. VZV is the virus that is responsible for diseases like shingles and chickenpox.

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Understanding Shingles

Shingles are a kind of viral infection that causes debilitating rashes that are quite painful. It appears as blisters that can be seen in the middle of the person’s back turning to one side of his chest and overwhelming the breastbone. Parts of your body like the scalp, neck, and face are also affected. Shingles can be excruciatingly painful.

One way to identify the disease is to pinpoint where it all started because shingles usually originate at one side of the body. Shingle is a sort of long-term “side-effect” of chickenpox. It is because after having chickenpox, the virus within the body becomes inactive. After years, it gets to be reactivated as shingles.

Shingles are not a life-threatening situation but can be severely painful and can lead to a complication in which the skin remains painful and is very sensitive even to the softest touch. It remains in that state until all blisters are gone. This kind of condition lasts for months or worse, years.

Shingles are common for adults over 50 which is why it is important that old people be protected from the virus or have in them the prescribed tool to fight the virus out of their lives. For those who have not been affected by the virus, but are susceptible to it, better be more cautious and maintain the immune system on a healthy level.

What the public needs to know

Although vaccination can be an effective method to prevent acquiring shingles, it can only last long. But if the vaccination for shingles is combined with Tai Chi, the results are promising. The good news is, out of 5 persons who have undergone chickenpox, only one person will get shingles sometime in their 50s. Shingles will be very dangerous for older people.

Researchers and doctors said that, although more studies should be further enhanced, it is proven that Tai Chi combined with immunization was made effective as an intervention to prevent the increase of the painful condition. The positive effects of Tai Chi helped researchers determine that the height of response by the human body is incredible.

The study has it that Tai Chi alone can increase the patient’s immunity to the virus same as the outcome of the ordinary vaccine. The moment Tai Chi is combined with the vaccine itself, it produced a significant result with a high level of immunity amounting to over 40%. Studies also show that compared to those that only acquired the vaccine, Tai Chi’s effects are doubled in the increase.

Aside from the increased level of immunity, Tai Chi also manifested remarkable outcomes that include a decrease in body pain, and improved physical functioning, mental health, and vitality. Groups who engaged in Tai Chi showed a decline in the symptoms of the disease’s severity.

Therefore, for those who are experiencing or know someone who is in their golden years, it is better to advise them to engage in Tai Chi.

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