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The 2 Most Successful Factors to Quit Smoking for Good

The 2 Most Successful Factors to Quit Smoking for Good

Taking the steps to decide that you want to quit smoking is a huge commitment. The dedication that is needed is absolutely essential to your success and can often be one of the only factors that will determine how successful you are. If you find that you are struggling to quit smoking you are certainly not alone, seeking out appropriate help is always key to finding success in your quest to quit smoking. Looking around at all of the excuses, reasons, purposes, and methods that pertain to quitting smoking there are generally two very large factors that will determine your overall success. Without these two factors, you will almost always fail, with them you will typically walk away from a successful non-smoker.

Your first critical success factor will be being determined to quit for your own reasons. This means you need to decide for yourself that you want to quit. Having the idea to quit smoking forced upon you will generally not work out well for you. You have to decide all on your own that you are ready to quit smoking, this dedication to stop smoking will often be a huge driving force in your battle against cigarettes and you will probably need to pull strength from your decision. Additionally, as everyone around you is asking why you want to quit, a good answer that you believe in will help you to resolve your determination each time you answer.

Quit Smoking Effectively!

No More Excuse

This might sound like nothing more than an excuse, but actually deciding for yourself that you want to quit is a huge boost to your mental approach. If you approach quitting smoking with the idea that someone else is forcing you, then often you will make small mistakes that can sabotage your efforts. You may not recognize these errors, but they are typically there. Approaching the task of quitting smoking on your own will ensure that you are setting out to be successful and quit for good. Those who quit for the reasons of someone else typically quit for only a short period of time. Those who quit for themselves are the people who quit for good.

Your second critical success factor will be your actual approach. If you approach the task of quitting smoking with the confidence that you will succeed no matter what, you will find that your determination is much stronger. This increased determination can be very helpful as you are trying to fight off those late-night cravings, or even the times when the urge to smoke appears and nobody is around to help you through it. As a smoker, there are plenty of times when you will need your own self-control to really pull you through. This comes from having the confidence to know that you can succeed.

If you merely approach quitting smoking with an attitude that you think you can quit, you will be sending yourself mixed signals. These can create huge problems for you as you are struggling to maintain the self-control that is necessary to quit successfully. Pulling your strength from yourself is very important. Without the determination that you can in fact do this, you will fall into the temptation to smoke again much easier. It is not a simple task to quit smoking, many people struggle for years to quit fully.

Believing that you can quit smoking at some point is what will be a driving factor in your success. The longer it takes to quit smoking the more likely you are to actually lose your determination. This can spell disaster very quickly. Keeping your determination strong starts from within, you need to be able to justify to yourself, your harshest critic exactly why you want to quit smoking. The people in your family who are there for support are just for backup support. You are your own best cheerleader and celebrating the small victories that you accomplish is very important to your success. If you take the time to really stretch your confidence you will be in a great position to quit for good.

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