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The Belt Colors Of Tae Kwon Do

The Belts And The Colors

The belts and the colors that are used with Taekwondo aren’t just a random assortment of colors that are used to separate the ranks in the martial art. In Taekwondo, each belt color has a meaning that lets fighters know about their advancement and increasing knowledge. Belts are also great for the stylist, as they let the stylist know just how far they have progressed.

The colors of the belts found in Taekwondo vary, as they represent the advancement of rank, as well as the growth of the student. It can take a long time for students to move up the ranks, all depending on their knowledge and how quite they adapt to the techniques and forms of the art.

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Below, are the colors and belts of Taekwondo, along with their meaning.

White Belt

A white belt is the symbol of birth or the beginning for the stylist. Students that wear white belts are just starting out, searching for the knowledge to continue Taekwondo.

Yellow Belt

A yellow belt is the first ray of light that shines on the student, giving them new strength in the Taekwondo martial art. Students that have yellow belts have taken a great step in learning, and have opened their minds to new techniques.

Green Belt

A green belt is the symbol of growth or seed as it sprouts from the ground and begins to grow into a plant. Students with green belts are continuing along the path of Taekwondo, learning to develop further and redefine every technique they have been taught.

Blue Belt

A blue belt represents a blue sky, with the plant continuing to grow upwards, heading for the sky. Students with blue belts continue to move higher in rank, as the plant continues to grow taller. Students at this stage will also be given additional knowledge of Taekwondo so that their minds and body can continue to grow and develop.

Red Belt

The red belt is the heat of the sun, with the plant continuing the path upwards toward the sun. Students that possess red belts are higher in rank, as they have acquired a lot of knowledge in the art of Taekwondo. Red belts also tell the students to be cautious, as they gain more knowledge and their physical techniques increase.

Black Belt

A black belt is the best of the best. It symbolizes the darkness that is out there beyond the light of the sun. Once the student is given a black belt and begins to train other students, he will teach all that has been taught to him. Black belts recognize the best students, as they continue to teach others the art of Taekwondo and continue the never-ending cycle of training.

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