person holding sliced vegetable
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on

The Good of Vegetarianism

The Good of Vegetarianism

Sometimes the only thing really holding you back from making the big step of becoming a vegetarian is to come to a firm grasp of what good you will get from it.  Too often we see eating right and cutting meat from our diet as drudgery and something we “should do” but we don’t want to.  But becoming a vegetarian is a big life change and one that you should make with every intention of remaining a vegetarian for life.  The only way to make that kind of life change “stick” is to have some concrete and desirable positive outcomes that you will realize from the change.  If there is “something in it for you” besides being seen as a good person because you  “should” do it, you will embrace the change more enthusiastically.

One big advantage that a vegetarian lifestyle can bring you is that it is a lot less fuss to live as a vegetarian and it is far less expensive.  It doesn’t take a very extensive trip to the grocery store to realize that even a small slab of steak or a pound of hamburger is far more expensive than a head of cabbage or a bunch of carrots.  Your food costs can plummet if you simplify your life and eat only meatless dishes.  And your food will last longer in storage.

Converts To Vegetarianism

One advantage that many new converts to vegetarianism notice but that don’t get much coverage is how much better their digestive systems will work without the heavy load that meat places on your insides.  Not only will you digest your food more easily, but you also will not feel that “heavy and sluggish” sensation and you will sleep better and even have better sex.  That is because the negative impact of animal muscle on your intestines will disappear. You will also notice it in your lower intestines and your elimination.  In every way, the functioning of your internal mechanisms will be much smoother when you only give it meatless meals to live on.

Over 100 Delicious Vegan Recipes!

The health benefits are probably the motivation that convinces most people to adopt a meat-free diet.  The simple fact is that science has proven that humans are not natural meat eaters.  Yes, we can live on meat but our systems are not well suited to digest the heavy food that meat represents in your digestive system. 

Many of the most chronic national health problems can be traced to meat consumption.  Everything from obesity to cancer to heart disease to aging seems to be linked to the consumption of meat.  Because meat is so much more difficult for our internal systems to digest, utilize and eliminate, the impact on your insides is devastating.  Vegetarians do not suffer from as high an incidence of colon cancer, heart disease, or obesity. 

As many high-priced weight loss programs as there are, there may be no more effective one, and one that can be done for virtually no cost is to just stop eating meat.  You rarely meet a fat vegetarian because there is just not very much in a nonfat meal to become fat.  Vegetables quickly convert to energy, deliver vitamins to your systems and the remnant leaves your system without difficulty so your metabolism will naturally speed up so you lose weight.

The moral, ethical, and spiritual reasons for becoming a vegetarian are also well known.  Many religions call for a diet of no meat and frequent fasting.  A vegetarian diet gives you much greater control over your appetite so you can observe religious disciplines that call for physical denial for a short time and get all of the spiritual good from them.

Besides spiritual values, more and more people are becoming aware that eating meat is unethical or immoral.  It is not “kooky” or crazy to see that the raising of animals for us to kill and eat seems barbaric for an evolved culture such as ours.  It is easy to find horror stories of the gruesome ways that animals are slaughtered to become our food.  To become part of the solution rather than part of the problem is appealing to many people who have a conscience.  And vegetarianism is part of the solution that if all of us embraced vegetarianism, it would be a better world for everyone.

Plant-Based Cookbook for Beginners


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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