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Struggle With Weight

Your struggle with weight might have begun while you were a child, as you attempted to find out just how many cookies you could eat in one sitting.  Or it might have occurred shortly after you arrived on a college campus for the first time.  Those late nights of studying might have led to late-night binging sessions.  Or you might have gained weight after the birth of your first child, and have been unable to shed the weight ever since.  No matter what the cause, weight gain is a serious matter.  It can affect your energy level, your stamina, and your overall health.  Obesity has been linked to a number of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

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Once you determine that you are overweight, you have to make a commitment to bring your weight under control.  This can be a daunting venture.  You have turned overeating into a habit and reversing that habit can be difficult.  In essence, you have taught yourself to “think like a fat person.”  In order to reverse this trend, you need to learn to think like a thin person.

What exactly does this mean?  To begin with, it means that you must throw away your preconceived ideas about food and eating.  Eating might have become a social event for you.  As a result, you’ll need to learn to be sociable without food.  This is similar to the struggle that alcoholics face when they must learn to socialize without beer or liquor.  Just because this is a hard lesson to learn doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. 

Thinking Like a Thin Person

Thinking like a thin person also means that you need to develop new coping strategies.  You might be viewing food as your friend, the one you turn to when things are not going your way.  You may even be eating in secret because you’re ashamed of how much you’re eating.  You need to realize that your public persona needs to be the same as your private persona and your diet should match both.

A number of thin people exercise without even noticing it.  Activity has become a normal part of their day.  The same thing needs to be true of you.  You need to exercise as much as possible.  It should ultimately become second nature for you.  It should not be a chore it should be a fun part of your week.  Take an inventory of your preferences.  Whether you like tennis or bowling, badminton or running, choose the activity that best represents your style.  Then exercise diligently preferably six times a week.  This will speed up your metabolism so that you will burn fat more quickly.  Also, you need to overcome any fear you have of exercising.  As an overweight person, you might find exercise frustrating and you might fear what other people will think of you as they watch you exercise.  You need to realize that chances are no one cares about your exercise routine.  Don’t let fear get in the way of your progress.

Thinking thin also means controlling portion sizes.  This can be difficult, especially when eating out.  However, the key to effective weight loss often lies in limiting your food intake, and that begins with portion control.  You might try putting your dinner on a smaller plate in order to ensure that your portion sizes are not too large. 

You have to realize that thinking as a thin person does not happen overnight.  You have had years to develop your thought patterns and changing them can be a challenge.  The important thing to remember is to take one day at a time and keep in mind that your weight loss will not happen instantaneously.  It will take months of hard work to reach your ideal weight.  However, the good news is that once you get into the habit of thinking thin, it’s a trait you can carry with you for life.  The difference between a fat person and a thin person is not just a matter of the body, but of the mind as well.   Once you realize that, you will be well on your way to accomplishing your weight loss goals, both your immediate goals and your future goals.

Plant-Based Cookbook for Beginners


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA-approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”



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